De cookies, som vi anvender på Business Koldings hjemmeside, anvendes til indsamling af webstatistik og sociale medier.

Change your cookie settings

If you have regret your cookie settings, you can change your settings by using the function in the bottom of this site.

When you have accepted cookies on our website, you can always remove them again by deleting them in your browser.

If you chose to delete your cookies, our cookie briefing will pop up again and then you can undo your cookie setup.

In some cases it will be necessary to delete temporary internet files for the cookie briefing to pop up again.

In FAQ you can read more about how to delete cookies under “delete cookies”.

Delete cookies

You can delete cookies in your browser settings.

If you choose to delete cookies, some functions and elements on our website will not work anymore but instead be replaced with an information text.

Sletning af HTTP cookies
If your browser on your PC is newly installed, you can delete cookies by using the keyboard shortcut: CTRL + SHIFT + Delete. Hereby, a window opens and gives access to delete data in the browser. Tick off ”cookies” and press ”delete”.

Otherwise, follow these instructions on how to delete cookies in different browsers.

Reject cookies

You can control cookies by setting up your browser to either warn you, ask you for accept, automatically accept cookies or reject cookies.

It is possible to accept cookies only on websites that you have already visited.

If you reject all cookies you can expect to see limitations in functionality and user-friendliness on some websites.

See these guides on how you can control your cookies.


Legislation on cookies

In The EU Internet Handbook you can read more about ”EU legislation on cookies” by following this link